It was a couple of years when a blog was written as a testimony to God's manifold grace in the life of Jeanie Derillo.
That was then
A whole lot of other things happened in between. There were a lot of new friends. There were numerous 'productions'. A lot of growing up. There were times when relationships were put to the test and there were more than enough disappointments than one could ever shake a stick at.
But through it all we can both testify that God has been faithful. In times of plenty and scarcity. When we have shown grace or our lack of graciousness. In spite of how we feel or how the world has constantly treated us. We could always look back and smile at how God has seen us through.
It has been years now since that blog entry poured earnest emotions and thanksgiving. And we've hit rock bottom a lot more times that we did during the precedent time before the blog was written.
But still there is more than enough reason to celebrate God's goodness.
There is Ten, Ley and Jen.
There are great plans with Freddie, Epoy and Cris.
There is the smiling faces of Cindy, AC and Beybi.
There are the the sweet dogs who've always wagged their tails upon your entrance to your room.
There are people praying for us.
There's this burning desire for personal growth in the form of education.
And ultimately, there's God who is the author and finisher of our faith. In Whom we can still claim Romans 8:28 as a reality.
Happy birthday.
note the mysterious blog post is on the link below